A Grease-themed Party and Visiting Christmas in June

Sarah SoonWriting

A 1950’s-Styled Anniversary Celebration

This newsletter is about a 5-minute read

A few weeks ago, we celebrated my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary with family and friends. They had a 50’s theme, so Robert and I wore black replicating a scene from Grease.

The greatest takeaway of the celebration was watching my parents enjoy the night. Their outward expression of love reflects their inward devotion. I’ve watched them display love and respect for each other consistently through the years. And I value this legacy they’ve demonstrated to me and my siblings.

And I also enjoyed sitting at the party with my 102-year-old paternal Grandma. It’s rare to have a mother attending her son’s 60th wedding anniversary!

Featured image of my parents courtesy Forever Moore Films.

Experiencing Christmas in June

Another highlight of the trip was going to the UP (upper peninsula) since Robert hadn’t seen this part of Michigan. We stayed in a town called Christmas, so it was appropriate that our Airbnb was bright red with a huge Santa sign out front.

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Featured Author for July:

Mari and her husband, Bryan, are missionaries in Lesotho, Southern Africa. Bryan is a pilot/mechanic with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), and Mari’s a stay-at-home, homeschooling mama to Matthias (9) and Isabella “Bella” (5). While she’s involved in ministry, including manual therapy for friends and mentoring new missionaries considering joining MAF, her primary focus is raising her children as disciples of Christ.

Mari’s first venture into writing was publishing her non-fiction book, Living Uprooted: Encouragement for the Missionary Wife, in 2022.

She wrote her book to help prepare women going into missions/ministry. And she just released the Living Uprooted Companion Workbook.

Since Mari joined the Lady Lits Mastermind Group, God has rekindled her long-dormant love of writing. She’s learning much from the members of the group and growing in the craft of writing.

Now, Mari is trying her hand at writing fiction and currently in the early stages of a novel trilogy about a young couple accepting Christ and following where God leads.

Read her zany short fictional story she recently wrote titled: Braless in the Bahamas!  (I, Sarah, had a hand in the premise of the story.)

Connect with Mari:

Website: marieygabroad.com

Facebook: marikeygabroad

Instagram: marieygabroad

Email #1: mk.eygabroad@gmail.com

Email #2: mari@marieygabroad.com

 Living Uprooted: Encouragement for the Missionary Wife

Mari was ready to be a single missionary in Ukraine, providing physical therapy for disabled children and education for their caregivers. But her meticulously prepared plans were about to get a God-sized edit.

When her senior pastor suggested she pray about marrying Bryan, a missionary pilot in Africa, she thought God was crazy. After much thought, prayer, and scrolling through Bryan’s online social page, Mari joined him. And she was completely unprepared for the path God had laid before her.

Mari and her husband were “paired up in a cramped cockpit, trying to figure out how to work, live, and be together all day, every day without the luxury of a handbook.”

This isn’t your average missionary story, but a manual for spouses who want to best support their husbands on the mission field. Written in a poignant and humorous tone, Living Uprooted is the book Mari wished she’d had before she set out on the mission field with her husband, Bryan.

Buy the Book

 Living Uprooted: Companion Workbook

This companion workbook is a manual for women who want to grow in their relationship with God, so they can best support their spouses on the mission field and serve others well.

This companion workbook will prompt you to:

– Dig deeper into God’s Word on mission topics

– Enrich your foundational relationship with Jesus

– Create practical steps as you prepare for departure

– Understand what’s in your heart before you go

– Strengthen helpful concepts through word searches

Grab your pen and journal to experience practical and spiritual preparation for serving the Lord overseas.

Buy the Workbook


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