Are you Receiving the Benefits of Gratitude?

Sarah SoonLove At the Mayo, Writing

Happy November, everyone! I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of 2021. Normally, I’m stressing about prepping for Christmas, but I’m preoccupied with getting all my writing projects done! And perhaps I’m doing better surrendering my expectations and anxieties to God, furthering helping me to take it a day at a time. Trust me, this is a daily work, where some days are better than others. How about you?

Update: Marry for Love

The fictionalized version of my grandma’s love story is coming along well. Since I have new subscribers, I’ll give a brief summary of the story.

It’s 1939 in the small manufacturing town of Owosso, Michigan. Jean Tomasek, a daughter of Czech immigrants, wants more for her life. She’s an extraverted, adventurous, and strong-willed nineteen year old, desperate to get an education. She was attending finishing school while living with an affluent aunt in Detroit, but after a malicious rumor, Jean is sent home.

A few years later, she is engaged to a Czech-American with ambition and a stubborn streak that rivals hers. But does she love him? Or will she find love with a handsome German-Welch American who crashes her sister’s wedding?

I worked overtime getting this manuscript ready for beta readers, even writing during a family vacation. But since I’m participating in NaNoWriMo, I wasn’t able to get it to beta readers by October 31st. I wanted to do some prep work for NaNoWriMo, so I missed my deadline.

But I’m almost there. If you want to serve as a beta reader- reading the draft and offering feedback- let me know. I’ll email you the manuscript and a few simple guidelines for feedback. Don’t worry, I’m not concerned about grammar and punctuation, just need your feedback on readability, flow, and characters.

What is NaNoWriMo?

It’s short for National November Writing Month, and is a writing challenge where you write 50,000 words in the month of November. That averages to 1,609 words a day for thirty days. The challenge started in 1999 and has expanded to other countries. I’ve heard about it through the years, but this is the first time I’ve participated in the challenge.

My statistics at a glance:

Manuscript: Love Beyond the Mayo (a sequel to Love At the Mayo).

Word Count: 6,897 / 50,000

Hours I write: 6-8 a.m. (This is my set writing time, but I might write beyond this time.)

How I write: Handwrite in a journal, then type in Scrivener. (I noticed I feel more connected when writing by hand. It’s more arduous, but it’s working for now.)

Progress on manuscript: Four chapters written.

Anyone else participated in NaNoWriMo? Please share tips and if you reached the 50K challenge in comments.

Fun Corner:

In mid-October, my husband and I joined his parents and his sister and her family on a vacation to Hochatown in southeast Oklahoma. His parents rented a spacious, two-story log cabin as a celebration for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Fortunately, My husband and I had a bedroom off the deck. So every morning, I’d get up around 5 a.m. and write in a padded wicker chair. Some mornings were in the forties, so I’d wrap up in a blanket and write.

I made sure to get my hours in as I revised Marry For Love, and sometimes I didn’t stop until after 10 a.m. Then I’d be hanging out with the family for the rest of the day.


  • Just relaxing with the family.
  • Hiking in Beaver Bend state park.
  • Kayaking in Broken Bow Lake in Beaver Bend state park.

The first picture is my writing spot off the bedroom. I’d turn on the deck light and Edison lights wrapped around the deck. It was relaxing to write while listening to the birds serenading me.

The second picture shows the scenic view of the lake from our hiking spot, and the third picture is kayaking in that same spot in the river. Notice the cedar trees that grow in the water? They had deep roots in the water.

Winner of the Giveaway: 

Jessica Freeman won the Hobby Lobby gift card this month. Congrats, Jess! For November in honor of Thanksgiving, I’m giving away a gratitude journal. Since I’ve been daily expressing gratitude, I’ve noticed my attitude has become open to seeing God operate throughout my day even in the midst of disappointment, darkness, and difficulties. I’m catching myself when tempted to grumble to God or about others. And I’m more content with my life than I’ve ever been. I’ve struggled with contentment for most of my life, always wanting to be more, do more, and see more. But I’m realizing that if I’m focused on Jesus, I’m content because he is the more I need! 

Also, starting in January, I’m altering the giveaway slightly. Within the newsletter, I’ll provide a opt-in where you can participate in the month’s giveaway. But I’ll make that very clear for January. Currently, by just subscribing, you’re included in the giveaway. So starting in January, you’ll need to read the newsletter and opt in to participate. This system automates the drawing, saving time.


Featured Image by Katja Heigl from Pixabay