
Be More Productive with a Yes Goal

Sarah SoonTools, Writing, Writing Tips

Happy New Year! My husband and I are back in Tulsa, after spending the holidays in northern Michigan with family. My husband, a native of Oklahoma, was like a little kid because he got to experience a white Christmas! We went sledding, snowmobiling, and snowshoeing. We tapped into our inner child as we sled down the snow hills. I laughed even when I flipped the sled and crashed face first into the cold snow.

How about you? Any eventful holiday experience?

Since I’ve made writing a daily habit for the past year, I wrote nearly every day on this vacation. And throughout 2020, I’ve focused on incorporating writing-related tasks more consistently such as journaling at night, reading fiction and poetry, and learning more about craft.

Of course, I’ve had to say no to other “good” things to make time, but it’s worth it. For the past few years, I’ve made a list of no’s such as sports, social media, and Suduku online puzzles. I’ve trimmed sports to nearly nothing, lessened social (never intended to eliminate it since use it for professional pursuits), and nearly eliminated Suduku.

But I’ve discovered I’m more productive when I focus on my yes:

  • Make writing one of the highest priorities. I give time to other things only after I meet my writing tasks.
  • Carve more time for writing, reading, and studying craft.

I feel a sense of satisfaction when I’ve invested time in the yes, instead of focusing on avoiding my no’s. I felt guilty and sometimes shame when I’d indulge in my avoids. I’d close the door and listen for my husband’s footsteps as if he was spying on me. So, I didn’t enjoy playing Suduku at the end of the day, after meeting my writing tasks. Yes, he was my accountability partner, but he was relaxed, asking me from time to time how I was doing with my avoids. And no, he didn’t install a spying camera in my office.

After a while, I decided to focus on spending time writing altogether. If I indulge in a no, I remind myself I’m taking time away from my loves. Writing, reading, learning craft. Not that I can’t ever indulge, but if it comes at the cost of not reading that intriguing novel, I’ll do what I enjoy more.

Why not journal about my day instead of watch an hour of basketball? When it’s a busy day, I only have time for one or the other at night before bedtime. And I usually find journaling more rewarding than watching sports. Others, such as a sports analyst would probably find sports much more satisfying. It’s subjective.

Since I’ve focused on my yes, I’m more motivated to tackle the day since I’m expending energy on what I can do. Feels empowering. No guilt, but joy as I invest time into my passions. I also look forward to the next writing, reading, or learning session as I build upon the progress of the prior time. And I see progress – reading another chapter, nearly completing the first draft, or discovering a new writing tool- that motivates me to continue. You can sense momentum propelling you forward.

How about you? What motivates you? 

For 2021, I want to accelerate my progress. Making writing a greater priority than before. As you can guess, the theme for January’s blogs is helping you with establishing writing goals. I’m using my journey as the “guinea pig” as I’ll blog about my progress. I’ll be more accountable this way as well.

I’m recruiting your help with my writing goal: Finish my work-in-progress, Love At the Mayo, by March 31, 2021. (I’m more nervous than excited about this goal, but hopefully, the closer I get to reaching it, the more at ease I’ll be. I tend to be a perfectionist and afraid to release my manuscript in case it needs more tweaking.)

Smaller deadlines to accomplish goal:

  • Finish edits by January 31st.
  • Submit manuscript to beta readers by February 1st.
  • Make edits from beta reader’s feedback by March 15th.
  • Conduct final read through by March 31st.

Steps to take to reach goals:

  • Write 2 hours or 2,000 words a day/seven days a week. Write from 6-8 am.
  • Study craft 2 hours a week. (Set aside two days to study for 2 hours. Learn for an hour and apply for an hour.)
  • Read a novel a month.
  • Journal every night (minimum 5 nights a week. No minimum word count.)

Practical steps:

  • Turn phone off when writing.
  • Get to bed by 9:30 PM. Get up by 4:30 AM.
  • Have an accountability system.
  • Establish a reward.
  • Report to accountability partners tomorrow. And set up a regular reporting schedule.
  • Report my reward in two weeks on the blog. (I’m still brainstorming.)
  • Blog my progress along with helpful tips every other week. This gives me more time to work on my novel. So heads up, unless I feature a guest blog, I’ll blog every other week in January.

When I’m I starting?

Tomorrow, January 6, 2021.

How can you help? 

  • Periodically comment or email me about my progress.
  • Work on your writing goals and share your progress on Comments or email me. Your progress can spur me forward as though we’re running the marathon together.
  • Serve as a beta reader for Love At the Mayo.


  • Downloaded goal app, Strides.
  • While I’ll write on the laptop, I’ll record ideas, thoughts, impressions in a physical journal.

Thanks for following along and helping me. I’m looking forward to knowing your writing goals and helping any way I can!

Any tips, feedback, or thoughts? Please share in Comments below. Thank you.

Featured Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash