Tools For Journaling

Sarah SoonJournaling, Tools, Writing

Planner Journal: Want a daytimer and performance journal all in one? A journal where you can track your goals, monitor your progress, and stay focused? Life coach, Brendon Burchard, has created a high-performance planner with a daily journal. You can also track your goals and performance on a weekly and monthly assessment. I use it. Pros:  No Set Date but …

Journal to Write Your Book

Sarah SoonJournaling

Happy 2020! Where did the time go? I’m excited because I’m getting married this year! Doesn’t seem possible since we’ve set our date back in May 2019. What are you excited about? I hope sharing your story comes to mind. If not, I want to challenge you to share. Doesn’t have to be a book. Could be a newsletter, blog, …

Ready to Write?

Sarah SoonJournaling, Writing

Welcome to my first vlog for Sarah Soon! Wanted to very briefly introduce myself!   Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter to the right!