Re-Launching a Published Book

Sarah SoonMemoir, Video, Writing, Writing Tips

Today’s vlog is an interview I conducted yesterday with my life coach, Erin Garcia. Erin’s a life coach, author, and speaker. I’ve known her for almost two years and we’ve connected not just on leadership coaching but writing as well. She’s energetic, inspiring, and productive. I featured her because she’s re-launching a second edition of her memoir, The Real Skinny …

Author Showcase Highlights

Sarah SoonVideo, Writing

Saturday, March 14th, six authors and ten guests came together for an Author Showcase. Little did we know, this would be the last time we’d get together publicly before COVID-19 halted all public gatherings over ten. We sat around a Hibachi table listening to a variety of readings, eating sushi or stir fry, and fellowshipping with each other. Enjoy the …

Touch Someone with a Handwritten Letter

Sarah SoonLove, Video, Writing

Activation from video Write down someone you want to write a handwritten letter to. (Feel free to share in Comments below.) Write down a deadline for writing and mailing the letter. Get stationary. I used the floral stationary and the Jinhao Texture Fountain Pen. Check out my February Resources for other stationary and pens. Or you can find stationary and …