Q & A for June Wood Agamah, author of Caryl’s Closet

Sarah SoonMemoir, Writing

Note: I met June last year through my sister Laurie. June contacted me since she discovered I’m an editor. While I didn’t edit her book, I gave her some writing and publishing tips. And I enjoyed hearing about the premise of her work-in-progress, Caryl’s Closet. As you’ll notice in the Q & A, June is a go-getter and within a …


Lets Find the Beauty in Your Story

Sarah SoonMemoir, Memoir, Writing

Do you know the beauty in your story? Sometimes, especially if you’re a novelist, you don’t write or share anecdotes about your personal history, family history, and inspiring story. We’re creating unknown worlds and characters, so why leave the world of daydreams and fantasies to dive into our autobiography? I recommend we do. Helps us to understand ourselves and our …


Importance of recording your COVID experience as a Setting

Sarah SoonJournaling, Memoir, Memoir, Writing

During Covid, ever feel like you’re in an apocalyptic movie? That was going through my mind this past spring, during the shelter-in-place order in March and April. As I drove through Tulsa, I felt this eerie chill as I went past empty parking lots of schools, churches, restaurants, and other businesses deemed non-essential. Hardly anyone was driving on the highways …


Tips to starting a legacy book

Sarah SoonMemoir, Writing

Hopefully, Donna Branch’s guest post last week inspired you to consider writing a legacy book. Pursuing a legacy project is as much about the journey as the product. I experienced this firsthand when I helped my parents write their memoir. I discovered more about my family’s story through the process, especially as we interviewed the older relatives from my great-uncle …

Re-Launching a Published Book

Sarah SoonMemoir, Video, Writing, Writing Tips

Today’s vlog is an interview I conducted yesterday with my life coach, Erin Garcia. Erin’s a life coach, author, and speaker. I’ve known her for almost two years and we’ve connected not just on leadership coaching but writing as well. She’s energetic, inspiring, and productive. I featured her because she’s re-launching a second edition of her memoir, The Real Skinny …