We are All Storytellers!

Sarah SoonWriting, Writing Tips

This past weekend, I attended an online literary festival held by 1455 Literary Arts. (1455 is a literary community that seeks to promote storytelling and creativity.) I’ve attended a few of their craft workshops and enjoyed it, so I was game for the festival, especially since the theme was Celebrating the Art of Storytelling. Buckle my seatbelt! They had three …

Don’t Worry About It!

Sarah SoonHolidays, Journaling, Writing

“Don’t Worry About It!” This is a phrase I heard continuously in Costa Rica. My husband and I just spent ten days there for our delayed honeymoon. A delightful country especially for nature lovers like us. They have such varied landscape from dry forest, cloud forest, rain forest, the Caribbean Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and 212 volcanos (only 11 are …

The Chosen-character-acceptance

What I Discovered About Characters in The Chosen TV series.

Sarah SoonWriting, Writing Tips

Last year, many of us were happily surprised by The Chosen, a TV series about the life of Jesus and his disciples. The show does an excellent job of showing us the humanity of each disciple and drawing us into their lives. One particular disciple I enjoy watching is Matthew. They wrote him as someone on the autism spectrum. So, …


How to Make Your Story Come Alive

Sarah SoonWriting, Writing Tips

Ever read a book that becomes so palatable, you feel as though the writer has transported you? Almost as if you’re breathing the same air as the characters? I enjoy when a story’s world is so plausible and tangible, I don’t want the story to end. It lingers in my mind long after the last chapter. Books such as: Jane …

Q & A for June Wood Agamah, author of Caryl’s Closet

Sarah SoonMemoir, Writing

Note: I met June last year through my sister Laurie. June contacted me since she discovered I’m an editor. While I didn’t edit her book, I gave her some writing and publishing tips. And I enjoyed hearing about the premise of her work-in-progress, Caryl’s Closet. As you’ll notice in the Q & A, June is a go-getter and within a …


Update on Love At the Mayo manuscript

Sarah SoonLove At the Mayo

This week is an update blog on my manuscript, Love At the Mayo. While I’m on schedule with editing a chapter a day, three on Mondays, I’m still slightly behind. What?!? Yep. I split up a chapter and added two new chapters. But good news, I might be deleting at least one chapter toward the end. And I’m going to …


One of My Most Inspiring Editing Projects

Sarah SoonEditing, Writing

Sometimes a project falls into your lap just when you need it to. This happened recently. Back in October 2020, I was struggling with the upcoming election and all of the political rhetoric, bickering on social media about which candidate to vote for, the politicization of the pandemic, and increasing racial tensions. Then my friend, Kristi Bridges, referred me to …


Quick update

Sarah SoonLove At the Mayo, Writing

As I had shared last week that I’m blogging every other week, so I can focus on meeting my beta-readers deadline of May 31st. But I’ll share a quick update weekly on my progress. Fortunately, I’m on track- editing a chapter a day, three on Mondays. I had to play catch up since I split a chapter into two on …


Honest Post About My Beta-Reader Deadline

Sarah SoonLove At the Mayo, Writing

I’ve procrastinated sharing this latest update because I’m disappointed with myself; thus, I don’t want to open up. But I feel like I need to. So, here goes. (Can you hear my groan?) I didn’t meet my beta-reading deadline. I was determined to get my manuscript into the hands of beta readers by March 31st, then April 15th. Actually, felt …