
How to Add More Dimension to Difficult Characters

Sarah SoonLove At the Mayo, Writing, Writing Tips

Ever write a scene and struggle with a supporting character, especially the villain? They seem flat, one-dimensional? Or the conflict between this character and the protagonist isn’t palatable on the page? In my work-in-progress, Love at the Mayo, my protagonist, Celine Monroe, has left her boyfriend. (Finally!) Since she left abruptly, he confronts her at her office. Although he’s an …


Let’s Write in the First-Person Point of View

Sarah SoonWriting

I didn’t intend to write my novel, Love At the Mayo, in the first-person point of view. Actually, when I thought of this story idea, I wrote one scene in the third-person point of view (POV). But when I decided to develop this story idea into a novel, I wrote it in the first person. Felt right to see the …

Tapping Your Creativity By Blindly Writing

Sarah SoonWriting, Writing Tips

Does anyone prefer driving on the interstate versus a country highway? If I’m driving hundreds of miles, I prefer going fast as smoothly and uninterrupted as possible. With minimal stops. My husband, on the other hand, likes state highways, driving through towns, seeing the countryside, and even stopping at scenic sights. To those who prefer county and state highways, sorry …


Encouragement for the Wordsmith Addict

Sarah SoonWriting, Writing Tips

NOTE: For this month, practical writing tips lead the charge! Our general today is author, Mary A. Felkins, who writes inspirational fiction and nonfiction. I met her through author Kathleen Bailey; they have published their books with Pelican Book Group. I asked Mary to guest blog since I appreciated her insightful comments on the posts.  And she’s generously giving away …


What’s Your Hidden Motivation as a Writer?

Sarah SoonVulnerability, Writing, Writing Tips

God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious everlasting ways – the path that brings …


You Are Enough As a Writer!

Sarah SoonWriting, Writing Tips

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.” Brene Brown. Note: I thought I had published this blog on March 2nd but somehow I never went from Draft to Published. So, I kept writing the next blog and publishing them without sharing this one. Guess why March 9th’s How to Quiet the Critics blog that started with, “Did anyone …


How to Convert a Negative Critique Into a Benefit

Sarah SoonVulnerability, Writing, Writing Tips

“Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips” Proverbs 24:26 ESV. Ever received a review, critique, or feedback that stung, but you told yourself, “It didn’t? And you don’t care.” Yet, day after day, the critique hangs around like a squatter living in your rental property. And no matter how hard you try to kick the squatter out, they won’t …


How to Quiet the Critics

Sarah SoonVulnerability, Writing, Writing Tips

Did anyone conduct last week’s exercise? Here, I challenged you to share with someone, what you fear the most as a writer. Then journal how you felt before you shared, while you shared, and after you shared. I conducted this exercise on last Tuesday by sharing on Facebook Live. After I finished, I journaled what I felt before I conducted …


Seven Steps to Share God’s Work in Your Life

Kristi BridgesDevotional, Writing

Imagine you’re headed to the Amazon. C’mon, play along, even if you’d never go anywhere that didn’t have a Starbucks. You’ve seen pictures and cannot wait to smell the flowers, see the birds, hear the tree frogs and float down the river! You know your body, so your packing list includes allergy medicine and aspirin. You’ve heard of dengue fever …

Four Tools to Show a Character’s Feelings of Love

Sarah SoonWriting, Writing Tips

Today, I’m nestled in my upstairs office, thankful for electricity. It’s -7 here, historical lows for us in the south. On the writing front, I missed my Feb. 15th beta reader deadline. I know, I’m unhappy about it. But I did manage to submit edits to an editing project I’m a part of, so now that I’ve met that obligation, …