Don’t Worry About It!

Sarah SoonHolidays, Journaling, Writing

“Don’t Worry About It!”

This is a phrase I heard continuously in Costa Rica. My husband and I just spent ten days there for our delayed honeymoon. A delightful country especially for nature lovers like us. They have such varied landscape from dry forest, cloud forest, rain forest, the Caribbean Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and 212 volcanos (only 11 are active). One in our area, Rincon Volcano, erupted the day before we arrived, but it didn’t cause any casualties or damage.

For the Costa Rican’s, or “Tico’s” as they call themselves, they embrace the concept of Pura Vida (pure life or the enjoyment of life). It’s everywhere from road signs, souvenirs, and on our bed. The last night at the resort, the housekeeper decorated the edge of our bed with the saying (those are coffee beans). This is a good reminder to me, to slow down, be fully present in the moment, and live to the fullest in whatever you’re doing.

So, it’s no surprise they frequently say, “Don’t worry about it.” Yet, this laid back lifestyle with an emphasis on living life was what we needed on this getaway. We rested, laid by the pool, swam in the ocean, relaxed at the spa, and enjoyed the nature around us.

On the literary front, I read several chapters of the novel, A Hundred Years in Solitude, along with wrote daily in my journal. I not only recorded my experiences, but notable observations such as an interesting person I saw or met. Sayings I heard. And the beauty around me- the tropical flora that created an almost heavenly garden, such as tropical cactus, bird of paradise, coconut palms, Guanacaste tree, and hibiscus bushes, for example.

And fauna from Panamanian white-faced capuchin, howler monkeys, wild boar, iguanas, pelicans, leaf-cutting ants, colorful butterflies are the animals we saw (the capuchins came to our balcony in groves and danced on the trees around us looking for food). I took the picture below from our balcony.


  • Learning the Costa Rican culture such as their free health care and universities. They don’t have a military (I couldn’t imagine that). They care about conservation and the environment.
  • Going scuba diving for the first time.
  • Walking through the rain forest and hanging bridges.
  • Zip-lining above the tropical canopy.
  • Kayaking and swimming in the Pacific ocean.
  • Romantic dinner by the ocean during sunset.
  • The hydrotherapy spa. One pool was chilled to 70 degrees- felt like I was getting pricked as I immersed my body. But thankfully, I could get warm in the hot tub afterwards.
  • Driving a rental car through the countryside and eating at a seafood restaurant. Our waiter didn’t speak English so we used Google translate to ask questions and order. The food was delicious!
  • Enjoying the thermal hot springs.
  • Visiting the area near two volcano’s. The volcanic soil is lush, so vegetation is rich in the area with pineapples, sugar cane, oranges, ginger, papaya to name a few.

I always enjoy visiting a foreign country to learn about a different culture and way of life- expands my perception and helps me to value others and appreciate what I have as well. As an author, this also provides more exposure to understand the world through different lens. Who knows? Maybe one of my characters will visit Costa Rica!

On other fronts:

Also, as I’m waiting on feedback from beta readers, I’m editing my historical romance, Marry for Love, a fictionalized account of my grandma’s love story. I’m unsure about the title but that’s the temporary one for now. So, hopefully in a few months, I’ll be seeking beta readers for this one as well. It amazes me how as I’m reading through this manuscript, I’m enjoying the story more after having a long Sabbatical from it.

How about you?

Have you gone on a fun vacay recently? Read a thrilling, fun, or inspiring novel? Worked on a manuscript? Attended an educational writing conference? I’d enjoy hearing from you! Please let me know in Comments. Thank you.