Lessons from our stint with an extraordinary young boy

Sarah SoonFamily, Love

Ever experienced a situation where you are helpless but have to trust God? Recently, my husband and I faced a decision where we had to surrender to God for the outcome.

Our time fostering a precious boy is over. We couldn’t keep him anymore, but this outcome wasn’t what we expected. We planned on keeping him for the long term; however, we weren’t equipped enough to help this young boy.

How do you release him when he needs continuity and stability? Robert and I wrestled with letting go, not knowing what would happen to this boy. So, we leaned into God, trusting him to protect the young boy. Even now, I continue reminding myself that God loves this young boy beyond what I could.

I was humbled, admitting I wasn’t ready for all the challenges we experienced. I grieved not being a family with him anymore. And I was hurting saying goodbye.

Yet I have no regrets. He’s an extraordinary, young boy, and I continually pray for him. An extravert, he  filled our house with stories, songs, and laughter. And intelligent, he absorbed what he learned and often quoted word for word what he learned. He enjoys history, watching documentaries such as the Vietnam War. And he has a soft heart for dogs, bonding with Sadie (which we hoped). So, I cherish the time we had with him.

In the aftermath, I have pondered on how I’ve grown from this experience. I was convicted to be fully present. I tend to focus on duties especially when items on my daily to-do list aren’t getting done. I’ve resented when my husband or others interrupt me while I’m in the middle of doing something I deem “important”. Frequently, I’ve half listened to people while mentally reviewing my to-do list.

I don’t want to miss out on life’s treasures anymore. Now I’m more intentional with my husband and others, but I have much room for improvement in this arena.

Another great lesson is to not deem outcomes as success or failure. Did we miss God by taking this young boy into our home? No, we were privileged with the opportunity to be part of his life even for a short time. And God gave us this opportunity for transformation.

Currently, we’re taking a short break but will return to fostering soon.

By the way, since this has occurred, three people have told us about the book, What Happened to You, by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey. I’m listening to the Audible book and it speaks to the trauma the young boy had experienced. I’m thankful for resources like these that help us understand what happens when we experience trauma and its effects on our lives.

Have you experienced any difficult situations that brought about transformation?

Photo courtesy Image by Terri Sharp from Pixabay