
Let’s Play the Match Making Game

Sarah SoonLove, Love At the Mayo, Writing

The very essence of romance is uncertainty.

                                                                -Oscar Wilde

Last week we dived into recovering from a broken heart and my character’s, Celine Monroe, healing journey. You can read it here. The novel begins with her leaving a toxic relationship, so she’s not ready for love. At least, that’s what she thinks. She’s struggling with her self-confidence, her faith, and her judgment. And finding a lasting love feels too daunting and uncertain.

Love requires risk. Love makes us vulnerable as foot soldiers standing on the front lines of Normandy. Will we face  disillusionment, rejection, or betrayal?

You still have to take risks even once you find lasting love. Take risks daily to be vulnerable, trusting, and loving. So, why not take the leap to even try?

How about we help her with the uncertainty of finding romance? Perhaps if she knows chivalrous men exist, she’d be open. Let’s explore two candidates she’ll meet in Love At the Mayo.

#1: Art dilettante plumber. He appreciates the arts, especially painting and sculptures, but his devotion to his plumbing business and his church community doesn’t allot much time to become an art connoisseur. An item on his bucket list is to visit top art museums around the world, and so far, he’s toured five of the ten on his list. Between those vacations, he visits local museums, exhibits, and lectures.

He’s gentle and generous. He often volunteers to help fix a widow or single mother’s plumbing issues for free or minimum service cost. As a bachelor in his mid-thirties, he can cook a variety of dishes from spinach frittata, braised short-ribs, or beef tenderloin. But don’t ask him to bake a souffle. He loves desserts but terrified of any recipe calling for a hand mixer. And oh, there’s the fact that he’s limiting sweets.

Although eager to settle down, he’s not confident he can connect with a suitable woman. While he can conquer any leaking toilet, to understand a woman feels daunting. Oldest of four brothers, he doesn’t have much experience knowing how women think and what they want. But he enlists help from women in his life group to set him up with suitable candidates in what he terms Operation Fix the Plumber.

#2. Rugged wedding photographer. He prefers to backpack through Europe than trudge through an art museum. Don’t get him wrong, he’s a professional aesthete who appreciates almost all art forms, but he prefers to experience life firsthand through the lens of his camera.

Also in his mid-thirties, he was engaged once, but a few years ago, his fiance broke off the relationship. He’s still  reeling from insecurity, sceptical of love, and burdened by managing the administrative aspect of his business. His dating game is in a rut.

He’s also frustrated with his married, older sister constantly interfering with his love life. She’s always setting him up or throwing candidates his way. He wants to find love organically, believing when the right time comes, God will bring this woman into his path. In the meantime, his weekends are consumed with creating art for people’s weddings. And he’s considering selling his nature photos at an art studio.

Those are our candidates. I’d love to know which candidate you consider as ideal for Celine. Please share in Comments below. I’d enjoy reading your explanation why. Thank you!

Featured Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash