November Releases! Big Announcements!

Sarah SoonWriting

Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years.

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.

Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years from the time he received the promise of a son until Isaac was born.

I waited 20 years until I finally got my fiction published. I’m in good company, right?

On a serious note, even though it’s taken longer than I expected, it’s the right time. My twenty-something, starry-eyed dreamer wouldn’t have agreed but she was not seasoned and resilient back then.

Nor networked with a inspiring community. I’ve received support from great communities of writers, close-knit family and friends, and my compassionate husband. He’s worn many hats while I got this book published.

Robert surprised me with flowers, chantilly cake, sparkling juice, and balloons to celebrate the book’s release.

While I’ve credited many people in my book’s acknowledgments, I wanted to thank you. You’ve served as an encouragement, supporting and following my journey.

And inadvertently, you’ve kept me accountable. I had promised you that I’d release my Christmas novel, so I couldn’t wait another year. This was one of the factors in me not quitting when times got hard. I’d think, Well, I’ve informed the subscribers I’m releasing this novel, so I better just push past the doubts and difficult deadlines and get the novel published.

I appreciate you!

Good Tidings Released!

Our Lady Lits collaborated to release a Christmas anthology, a collection of stories and family recipes.

How timely that this book leaves a gift for Nancy Ness’s family. (For those new to this community, Nancy was one of the Good Tidings authors who passed away this summer.) This was her first published work! I’m nearly in tears writing this. We didn’t know what writing this anthology would mean in the bigger picture.

And in the spirit of Christmas, Good Tidings proceeds goes to our individual charities. Mine goes to International Community Outreach, an organization who ministers to international students  and refugees.

Here’s the link to order from the online retailer of your choice!

Christmas at Sonshine Barn

Premise: What happens when Garrett Bettencourt, on the night of his engagement, has a vision of a woman in red who isn’t his fiancee? 

I’ve received great reviews from my advanced readers, including from my friend Cindy Godwin:

“Christmas at Sonshine Barn” follows the relationship of Garrett Bettencourt, a wedding photographer and the incredibly driven Presleigh Vassar or Pres as they plan their wedding. It’s a fast read with lots of dialogue. I loved all the dialogue!

I read it in two sittings because I had to find out whether these two would tie the knot–or not. The characters have very different personalities. It’s really fun to see them navigate the pitfalls they run into from totally different perspectives. A great read!”

Buy the Ebook:

You can purchase the Ebook on my Shopify store and receive a $1 off. Click on the link with an embedded discount code. You’ll receive book via Book Funnel, so you’ll receive a separate email with the book link. You can read it via your Kindle or other ebook readers.

If you prefer purchasing it through Amazon, here’s the link.


I’m working on providing the paperback on my Shopify Store soon. I’m waiting for the back cover from the graphic designer. Once it’s available there, I’ll offer a subscriber-only discount! It’s my thank you to you.

If you want to purchase the paperback on Amazon, it’s available there. But I’d prefer you wait until I can add the updated corrections in a few weeks. It takes a process to add minor changes. I’ll notify you when the corrected paperback is available. (These changes are reflected on the Ebook.)

Featured on another podcast.

Us Lady Lits were guests on Ginny Yttrup’s Word for Writer’s podcast. Ginny is an award winning author, book coach, and developmental editor. And she was also a catalyst in the creation of Lady Lits. We all took her platform challenge course and through the FB page, Nancy Ness asked if anyone wanted to form a mastermind group. Voila! Lady Lits was born!


Facebook Live Events:

  • 1 Moment Wiser’s Facebook Live interview this Sunday at 7 pm CST, 8 EST, 6 MST, 5 PST. My friend and fellow author Kristi Bridges shares wisdom, Scriptures, and guest interviews on various topics. Currently, she’s focused on mental and spiritual health.
  • I’m conducting a Live on my FB author page, Nov. 21st at 10 am CST, 11 EST, 9 am MST, & 8 am PST. The Lady Lits are my guests for this time of laughter and fun. Who knows what will happen?!?

Click here to learn more about my upcoming events in the next two months!

That’s a lot to share for now. Enjoy this holiday season, celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. (By the way, Christmas at Sonshine Barn starts on Thanksgiving night, goes through Christmas, and concludes on New Year’s Eve. Truly, a holiday read.)


Featured Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash