
Quick update

Sarah SoonLove At the Mayo, Writing

As I had shared last week that I’m blogging every other week, so I can focus on meeting my beta-readers deadline of May 31st. But I’ll share a quick update weekly on my progress.

Fortunately, I’m on track- editing a chapter a day, three on Mondays. I had to play catch up since I split a chapter into two on Thursday. Then once I split them, I needed to add more content within one of the chapters. Then yesterday, I converted a question mark chapter into a useable chapter (a chapter that wasn’t included in the chapter count). Fortunately, I worked on two chapters today to stay on track.

My husband’s been checking in every day, asking for an update. He laughed when I told him that I converted a chapter from “might use” to “use”. He knows how I take what’s simple and make it complicated. LOL! But it’s helping to keep track of my progress knowing he’s going to ask me, and I’m reporting to you on the blog.

Tomorrow, I’ll report to my accountability partner, Dee Selby.

I’m excited about the chapters I’m editing because my protagonist is finding her voice in the midst of overcoming co-dependency while re-connecting with God. I’m cheering for her, glad she’s climbing out of the pit she fell into.

I’ll end with a quote from Melody Beattie who has written books about co-dependency. (I took a ten-week course on Co-dependency last year. Very helpful!)

“A codependent person is one who has let another person’s behavior affect him or her, and who is obsessed with controlling that person’s behavior.”
― Melody Beattie, Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself. (Includes a link to book on Amazon if interested.)

Have a great week!