Re-Launching a Published Book

Sarah SoonMemoir, Video, Writing, Writing Tips

Today’s vlog is an interview I conducted yesterday with my life coach, Erin Garcia. Erin’s a life coach, author, and speaker. I’ve known her for almost two years and we’ve connected not just on leadership coaching but writing as well. She’s energetic, inspiring, and productive.

I featured her because she’s re-launching a second edition of her memoir, The Real Skinny on my Anorexia. 

Overview of the interview:

  • Brief intro on Erin’s anorexia journey and how true love delivered her.
  • Why she’s re-launching a second edition.
  • Lessons she learned when writing a memoir.
  • How she found time to write.
  • Nine saboteurs that can block us from goals, especially for writing.

Connect with Erin:

You can learn more about Erin on her website,

Connect on her Facebook page and LinkedIn.

Purchase her memoir on Amazon: (Click on the book.)