Results for Your Vote on My Character’s Surname

Sarah SoonWriting

Thanks for your input! 

Last month, I asked you to help me settle on a surname for my antagonist by providing a poll of options including suggesting your own. I didn’t expect such a great turnout.

I received nine suggestions and others voted on the listed names. Since I wanted the name tied to Jordan’s personality, I looked up each surname’s origin and meaning.

Based on the research (and popularity), I settled on Jordan Sterling. I liked so many, but it came down to Flint and Sterling.

I selected Sterling because Jordan’s in finance and something significant happens to him while in London, England (seemed fitting).

For those who suggested surnames, but yours wasn’t selected, your effort wasn’t in vain. I saved all the names offered because I probably will use them for other characters later. So, be on the lookout 👀.

I’m getting closer!

In anticipation of a fall 2023 release for my novella, Christmas at Sonshine Barn, I’m working hard to get it ready for publication.


  • Will email manuscript to editor, Feb. 10th.
  • Have farmhouse image for book cover.
  • Headshots taken for book & promo material. (I captured the image on the left just after getting hair and makeup done for the photo session.)

My Writing Community:

Ever wonder how writers can sit at a desk and churn out a story in solitude? Do they finish a writing session with their hair waving in all directions, eyes bloodshot, and fingers stiff? Sometimes.

But we don’t write alone. Technically, we sit in a room alone, but to thrive as a novelist, we need community.

Recently, I’ve gained a community of fellow writers I consider like “sisters.” We call our group, Lady Lits, where we support, encourage, and mentor each other.

Formally, we meet virtually every other week, but informally, we meet twice a week for write-alongs.

Since I’ve taken part in this community, I’ve grown as a writer, not just in the craft, but in wisdom, industry knowledge, and joy. I can’t imagine how I endured this long without their input!

Now, I’m excited to introduce each one to you. Every month, from March through September, I’ll spotlight a Lady Lits author in this newsletter. (The exception is April since I’m the Featured Author for this group.)

Most live in the US, while two are missionaries in foreign countries. And all bring something unique to the table: New Adult romance, adult romance, YA contemporary fiction, historical fiction, and contemporary fiction inspired by a biblical character.

So, as gracious members of my community, let’s welcome them as guests soon.

February Upcoming Guest Post:

On a separate note, my author friend Karen Grunst will share a guest post this month! Be on the lookout in your Inbox.

No, she’s not a Lady Lit, but she is a catalyst. She informed me of a platform course with Ginny Ytrrup, so I enrolled. Through this course, I got connected with a community that’s now Lady Lits.

In Karen’s guest post, she will share her inspiration for writing YA fiction. It’s an incredible story, revealing how God is raising up believers to spread the gospel through story!

You don’t want to miss it!

First Image Courtesy: Serhiy Hipskyy on Unsplash
Second Image Courtesy: Mimi Thian on Unsplash