
Resurrect Your Story

Sarah SoonWriting

Recently, as I’ve taken strolls out in nature, I hear the voices of life around me. The chirping of swallows, the screeching of hawks, and the knocking of woodpeckers. Each sharing their story.

Despite the dead of winter, life emerges in spring. It’s my favorite season. And how inspiring that Easter falls during this pandemic. We need the reminder that Jesus came to resurrect us from sin and death.

“O death, where is your victory?
    O death, where is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55-57 ESV)

How about we celebrate Easter by resurrecting a story? Maybe an idea you’ve had but didn’t take action? Or an inspiring anecdote for your memoir you didn’t add because you didn’t think it had enough gravitas? Or maybe you started a story project but buried it in a writer’s grave?

First step? Let’s discover the story singing in your heart:

  • A new story?
  • Work-in-progress that’s careening to the grave?
  • An abandoned project?

If you aren’t ready to write a full-fledged novel, memoir, or instructional book, how about a poem? Social media post you’ve wanted to share to encourage people in this time? Or a blog you want to launch? A devotional you want to vlog?

During this shelter in place, let’s start now to share your story!


  1. Write down what you want to share. (Anecdote? A short or long fictional story? Inspiring devotional?)
  2. Write down the medium you will use. (Blog, vlog, ebook, book, social media post?)
  3. Write down who you’re going to tell so they hold you accountable.
  4. Write down a writing schedule and a deadline.
  5. Ask someone for help if necessary. (Youtube has tutorials for launching blogs, vlogs. I uploaded my April resources to help you as well.)
  6. Share in comments below your writing project, your medium, and your deadline.

Here’s my resurrected project:

  • An instructional ebook that walks you through writing an ebook efficiently (hopefully within thirty working days). I wrote the first draft in 2019 and shared it with a few people who provided feedback. But I laid it aside to work on my novels. With the oncoming pandemic and need for people to share their stories now, I’m resurrecting the ebook so you have another resource. It’s suited for the person working on a non-fiction work.
  • My deadline is May 1 to finish the draft and May 15 to have it published. (I’m having a virtual book launch in May.)
  • I’ve shared this project and deadline with Dee Selby, Kristi Bridges, and Robert Ward.

Looking forward to reading your story soon!

Featured Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay