Sad News But an Inspiring Life

Sarah SoonMonthly Newsletter, Writing

Tribute to Nancy Ness:

This newsletter is about a five-minute read

Before I give you an important writing update, in honor of my friend, I’m diving into the sad news first.

There are friends who impact you profoundly in a short time that it’s hard to believe you didn’t know them longer. That’s how my dear friend and fellow Lady Lit, Nancy Ness, affected me.

On July 19th, Nancy died, leaving a legacy of love, joy, and faith.

Since she was the Featured Author for August, after my tribute, I also share the bio she wrote.

A Life Well Lived:
Nancy came into my life with a boom. She was the catalyst for the Lady Lits writing group, bringing us together. And through her gifted administrative skills, she whipped us into shape.

For every meeting, she created an agenda to keep us on track. And then she’d provided notes of the meeting’s highlights. After she passed, it’s taken all of us to manage her duties.

Her impact was a like steady stream winding through my life. At our meetings, she’d share a timely scripture, a word of encouragement, or helpful tip. And she asked insightful questions, always wanting to learn and grow.

I had never heard her say anything negative about anyone, ever!

The day before she passed, she joined our write- along (these are in addition to our bi-monthly meetings). During the session, she was adamant about finishing her newsletter that day. And she did!

I read it that evening, then I emailed her about how her message was timely.

In the newsletter, she shared the value of meaningful conversations and deeper connections: “Cultivate relationships with people who are transparent and loving, those who have looked inside to know their own story and will risk being vulnerable.”

I’m grateful she cultivated a relationship with me!

(The featured photo is an homage to Nancy. She lived on the west coast and enjoyed whale watching.)

Whale Photo by Thomas Lipke on Unsplash

Lady Lit Featured Author:
Nancy Ness

Nancy recently found a journal she kept as a teenager and smiled rereading the entry “Ten Things to Do Before I Get Old.” Writing a book was at the top of the list.

She was a member of Compel Training, Oregon Christian Writers, and Bible Study Fellowship. Sunday family dinners filled her with joy. And she considered pouring into her family to leave a legacy of love, her most important work.

Nancy’s Writing:

Nancy’s non-fiction book, The Lightning Tree: Flourishing after Abuse, is in the final stages of editing. The words God speaks through Scripture laid the foundation for her healing, and he put his plan for flourishing in front of her through a counselor she met at work. Nancy’s story invites a reader to hear their heart whisper, “This could be me,” then turn toward God for healing.

NOTE: Her daughters will publish this book on Nancy’s behalf.

Discover Hope for Emotional Healing at Nancy’s website,

Since joining the Lady Lits Mastermind Group, Nancy has written 60,000 words of her first historical fiction novel. Set in the early 1900s, her grandmother’s experience of abandonment and search for family truth inspired the story.

The Last Trimester

They say the last trimester, especially the last month of a pregnancy, is the hardest. You’re uncomfortable, sore, and exhausted. You just want the baby out!

Welcome to my writing world. I have two projects in the final trimester. For my novella, July was the toughest month emotionally and mentally as I felt the pressure of making the story worthy of the reader’s time and money.

Last week, for two nights, I wept as doubts kicked hard on my senses. Could I write anything worth reading?

But shout out to my husband. He counseled me through my tears, and I got the clarity I needed to finish. On August 3rd, I submitted the draft to my editor.

What’s next?

  • Wait for proofreading edits.
  • Finalize the book cover with the graphic designer.
  • Hire a designer to typeset the book’s interior.

Pray that I’ll finish well and on time.

If you’d like to receive an Advanced Reader’s Copy and provide an honest review, let me know.

If you’d like to share the novella’s launch on your social, blog, a podcast, or even to your cat (okay, not really), join my launch team. I’ll provide the social media images, the guest post, and other content needed.

We’re Featured on the Refuge Podcast

My fellow Lady Lits and I will be featured on Jennifer Elwood’s Refuge Podcast this month.

We already recorded the interview in July (fortunately, Nancy participated), but I’m unsure when the episode will be available this month. But I’ll email the podcast link once it’s live.

In the interview, we share about our Christmas anthology project, so you don’t want to miss it!

Personal Corner:

Here are some fun pics. In July, Robert and I celebrated our third Michigan wedding anniversary. Our “official” anniversary is March 25th, but we tied the knot twice because of Covid. The March wedding was a 24-hour notice as we married in our counselor’s backyard. Then we celebrated with family and friends for the planned in advance wedding on July 25th. At least, this gives us an excuse to celebrate our anniversary twice a year!

(Photo Courtesy Dan Stewart Photography.)

To celebrate our anniversary, we saw Mission Impossible at the drive-in. This was my first experience at a drive-in. I enjoyed it but I prefer watching a movie at the indoor theatre. (Bugs, heat, and disruptions from vehicles arriving late- headlights on your face- and viewers walking back and forth to the restroom.) But overall, I enjoyed the movie and most of all, the company.

We attended a FC Tulsa’s game, a new experience for us. (FC Tulsa is a local pro soccer team.) Even though our team lost, we enjoyed the game and the firework show afterwards.

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