The Winner of the Book Title Is…

Sarah SoonWriting

Last month, I asked subscribers to vote on three title choices for my novella. Christmas at Sonshine Barn received the most votes. It was a close race with Christmas in the Mitten. Thanks to everyone who participated. I value your vote and your feedback.

Don’t give up on Christmas in the Mitten, though. It’s a great title for a future Christmas novella.

Personal Corner

Any nature lovers out there? My hubby and I were in Yellowstone with my in-laws. As a Yellowstone “virgin”, I enjoyed an up-close glimpse into wildlife. (Don’t worry, we relied on scopes and binoculars to get a magnificent view as we kept a safe distance.)

Highlights of our trip:

  • Watching an otter swim through a winding river.
  • A grizzly and wolves feeding on an elk carcass. (My hubby took this pic of a wolf feeding on a carcass. He shot the pic through a scope.)

  • Hiking above the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and having a marmot charge us as we ate lunch.

Don’t forget the geological beauty. Yellowstone is built upon a super volcano, so you have geothermal wonders such as:

  • Grand Prismatic Spring with vibrant bands of green, yellow, and orange rings. The bands are thermophil bacteria that thrive in extreme hot temps. The turquoise center stems from water scattering the blue wavelengths of light more than the others and reflecting blue back to our eyes.


    • Norris Geyser Basin: The most dynamic and hottest of Yellowstone’s thermal wonders. One wonder if Porcelain Springs with blue pools of salts including sulfur, arsenic, and boron. The water temperatures can measure above 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Another is steamboat geyser, the world’s tallest geyser, that has erupted over 300 feet.

Maybe, I’ll have one of my protagonist (hint, Garrett, the wildlife photographer enthusiast) travel to Yellowstone and shoot photos in one of my novels.

Love at the Mayo update:

I’m shortening Love at the Mayo (LATM), Book I of the Mayo series, from over 120,000 words to near 80,000. On a Saturday in April, I spent the day reading over 400 pages for LATM. It was a reading marathon as I barely left the office, but I finished the  manuscript and made notes about what I need to trim. I should be near my word count goal!

For those new to my newsletters, Love at the Mayo, features Celine Monroe, an ambitious, but compassionate copywriter. And The Mayo is an iconic hotel in Tulsa, not the research hospital.

The book depicts Celine’s journey as she leaves a toxic boyfriend, endures a volatile roller coaster ride with this ex, and might find someone healthier.

Christmas at Sonshine Barn update:

This book is the prequel novella about Garrett Bettencourt, Celine’s eventual love interest.

Writing the Christmas novella has been a gem! I’m seeing parallels to their stories- both experience romantic heartbreak in the beginning, but in different ways. One breaks up, the other gets dumped, but they must be resilient to endure.

I’m enjoying writing about Garrett Bettencourt. Ironically, he’s a wedding photographer who’s struggling to find a compatible wife. He longs to get married and have children, evident in Christmas at Sonshine Barn, but he’s on a journey shedding old mindsets established from his past addiction.

But he’s a great catch with rugged good looks, compassionate heart, and an adventurous nature. If you don’t see him shooting a wedding, you’ll find him outdoors, hiking a nature trail or exploring the mountains.

I’m aiming at June to have this ready for beta readers.

This month’s Giveaway: 

To be eligible, simply answer this question: Who is your favorite author and why in one to two sentences.

The winner will receive an item of their choice from GoEX apparel. The parent company supports foster care and foster children. GoEx apparel is a fair-trade, sustainable company with material made in the USA and assembled in Haiti. “They provide sustainable fair wage jobs to liberate workers from poverty and empower them in their families and communities.”

They don’t provide gift cards, so the winner can select merchandise valued at $35. I’ll purchase it, then have them ship your item(s) to you.

Have a wonderful May!

Image of the Grand Prismatic Spring by James Lee on Unsplash