
Update on Love At the Mayo manuscript

Sarah SoonLove At the Mayo

This week is an update blog on my manuscript, Love At the Mayo. While I’m on schedule with editing a chapter a day, three on Mondays, I’m still slightly behind.


Yep. I split up a chapter and added two new chapters. But good news, I might be deleting at least one chapter toward the end. And I’m going to spend Wednesday and all day Saturday editing. If necessary, I have Memorial Day as well.

We will see. 

But I’m determined to meet this deadline.

Snacks anyone? I’ll need them as I’m staying up. Maybe, light background music. I discovered a French bluegrass musician, Tété. His sound is very light but upbeat, great for background music while writing. And I think my protagonist would enjoy his music.

Another soundtrack I’m enjoying is from The Chosen series. Some songs are inspiring, others cheerful, and others poignant.

Ways to improve this week: 

  • Get up a half-an-hour earlier and write by 5 am. (I write best in the morning).
  • Don’t get distracted by my phone, but turn it off while writing.
  • Do better recording my progress daily, instead of weekly.
  • Set a schedule to work extra hours on Wednesday and Saturday. (Wednesday at 4 pm- 8 pm); Saturday at 10-6 pm. (Uh oh, I better tell my husband. I’m fortunate because he’s supportive and will help make this happen!)

Any more tips? Please share in Comments below. Thank you!

Featured Image by Ylanite Koppens from Pixabay