
Who’s Your Favorite Christmas Villain?

Sarah SoonHolidays, Writing

Happy Christmas! Hope you’re enjoying Christmas Eve! I’m in northern Michigan where it’s in the twenties with light carpet of snow. My mom’s house is festive with Christmas trees, nativity scenes, Christmas villages, snowman figurines in every room. (Yes, including the bathrooms.) And we’ve watched a few Christmas movies.

This week, we watched It’s a Wonderful Life. I couldn’t imagine anyone else portraying George Bailey better than Jimmy Stewart. He was so convincing, that I got absorbed into his character and the world in Bedford Falls. And I cheered him on as he nobly fights against the overpowering monopoly of the town’s villain, Mr. Potter.

In continuation of the villains series for the month, today’s post is heralding Christmas villains portrayed mostly in movies. Some characters experience transformation while others do not, but whatever their fate, they make the story more provoking.

My favorite Christmas villains: 

  • Ebenezer Scrooge. Dickens penned such an inspiring story, it serves as a prototype for many Christmas stories. Although Scrooge is a miserly, embittered man, he gets a second chance to rehabilitate his dark soul. It’s insightful to see what led to his greedy, callous, and miserly state. Through the mercy of visitations from four ghosts: former business partner, past, present, and future, Scrooge’s eyes open to see the lonely, miserable path he’s on, and he realizes his error. He chooses to change and hence, redeemed. Just in time to extend much-needed kindness to his employee and nephew.
  • Wet Bandits from Home Alone. They’re easy to loathe as they attempt to rob a house occupied by an adolescent left alone. You root for Kevin McCallister to drive these bandits away, and get angry as they work hard to outsmart him. Yet, their bumbling antics are hilarious.
  • Margo and Todd Chester from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. These sophisticated neighbors, a stark contrast to the provincial Griswalds, are so outrageously self-absorbed, it’s hilarious to see Clarke’s antics put the Chesters in a tailspin.

My least favorite Christmas villain:

  • Mr. Potter from It’s a Wonderful Life. His lust for power, hatred for competition, and unscrupulous schemes make him difficult to watch. He’s like a Satanic character as he plants seeds of suicide when George is begging for money. Not once, does Mr. Potter show an inkling of compassion or kindness. Greed has stamped out any love from his heart.

How about you? What’s your favorite Christmas villain and the least favorite? Please share in Comments below the  Thank you. 

Featured Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash