Finished reading Christmas at Sonshine Barn? Test how well you remember certain facts in the book! (If on a mobile phone, swipe on the quiz to continue. If on a laptop, click on the right arrow.)
Garrett’s Top 10 Qualities for a Wife
Hey guys, this is Garrett Bettencourt. I was asked to share my top ten traits for a wife. I’m not really a list guy, so I had to brainstorm my must have’s. But this is what I came up with. (After dating many women, this list is my non-negotiable qualities I’m seeking in a wife.) A Jesus lover. My relationship …
Dream Come True: Published and Launched my Fiction!
I’m currently reading the non-fiction book The Hidden Life of Trees* by Peter Wohlleben. Have you read this book? Peter’s a forester in Germany, and he explores how trees are like human families. He dives deep into their root systems to discover they work together to survive. Wohlleben discovers something profound when he strolled through the forest and came upon a “stone” near …
Book Signing Event!
I’m having a book signing event in my hometown in Gaylord, Michigan. And cool bonus, it’s on Small Business Saturday (November 25th). What better than to support small businesses throughout the city. My father is joining me! He’ll be signing his non-fiction book, Farmer D’s Love Letters to His Grandkids. If you’re in Northern Michigan, stop by. Win a gift …
Check Out My First Podcast
My fellow Lady Lits and I were featured on the Refuge Podcast hosted by Jennifer Elwood. Amazingly, this was pre-recorded in July, so it included Nancy Ness, the “founder” of our Lady Lits mastermind group. Sadly, Nancy passed away in July, so I’m grateful that through the podcast, others can get a snippet of this extraordinary woman. (You can read …
Vote in the Christmas Giveaway
Personal Corner One fall day, I looked outside at the pond behind our house. There, these beautiful birds were gracefully dancing above the waters like a ballet troupe. I hadn’t seen them before and their sweeping aerial flights mesmerized me. My husband looked them up in a field guide and discovered they are a type of gull. They fly south …
NaNoWriMo Winner! And Celebrating Christmas
Happy December! This is my husband’s favorite time of year. I call him “Father Christmas.” He has already put up the Christmas tree and hung up our Advent Calendar. And I’m doing better embracing traditions and the celebrations during Christmas. In years past, I’ve been Debbie Downer over the commercialization of Christmas, saddened that the focus isn’t on Jesus. But …
Don’t Worry About It!
“Don’t Worry About It!” This is a phrase I heard continuously in Costa Rica. My husband and I just spent ten days there for our delayed honeymoon. A delightful country especially for nature lovers like us. They have such varied landscape from dry forest, cloud forest, rain forest, the Caribbean Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and 212 volcanos (only 11 are …
Who’s Your Favorite Christmas Villain?
Happy Christmas! Hope you’re enjoying Christmas Eve! I’m in northern Michigan where it’s in the twenties with light carpet of snow. My mom’s house is festive with Christmas trees, nativity scenes, Christmas villages, snowman figurines in every room. (Yes, including the bathrooms.) And we’ve watched a few Christmas movies. This week, we watched It’s a Wonderful Life. I couldn’t imagine …
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Happy Mother’s Day week. I’m not a mother, but appreciate everyone who is. Shout out to my mom who subscribes to the blog. Thanks for being such a supportive, fun-loving, wise mother. I’m glad your influence is woven into my life. Mother’s Day is a great time to buy your mother a personalized gift centered around story. Whether you buy …