Unexpected Moment at a Book Fair

Sarah SoonBook Signing, Christmas at Sonshine Barn, Events, Good Tidings Christmas Anthology, Love At the Mayo, Writing 2 Comments

This past Saturday, my fellow author friend, Karen Grunst and I shared a booth at a book fair. We arrived around 8:30 to setup a tent, tables, and books. Thank goodness for the tent because the wind picked up throughout the day, so we had some protection. Nothing beats fighting the elements, as you’re grabbing books, stands, and other items …

Singing on Pirate Ships and Clean Romance Promo

Sarah SoonChristmas at Sonshine Barn, Good Tidings Christmas Anthology, Writing

My husband, Robert, has an eclectic taste in music: from Mongolian throat singing, sea shanties, and bard core. A few years ago, he discovered the UK band, The Longest John’s, after their rendition of the classic sea shanty song, “The Wellerman” captured millions of views. Robert even joined their Wellerman community project, recording himself singing the song and submitting his …

Dream Come True: Published and Launched my Fiction!

Sarah SoonChristmas, Christmas at Sonshine Barn, Good Tidings Christmas Anthology, Holidays, Writing

I’m currently reading the non-fiction book The Hidden Life of Trees* by Peter Wohlleben. Have you read this book? Peter’s a forester in Germany, and he explores how trees are like human families. He dives deep into their root systems to discover they work together to survive. Wohlleben discovers something profound when he strolled through the forest and came upon a “stone” near …

Book Signing Event!

Sarah SoonBook Signing, Christmas, Christmas at Sonshine Barn, Events, Good Tidings Christmas Anthology, Holidays, Writing

I’m having a book signing event in my hometown in Gaylord, Michigan. And cool bonus, it’s on Small Business Saturday (November 25th). What better than to support small businesses throughout the city. My father is joining me! He’ll be signing his non-fiction book, Farmer D’s Love Letters to His Grandkids. If you’re in Northern Michigan, stop by. Win a gift …

We’re featured on Words for Writers Podcast

Sarah SoonChristmas at Sonshine Barn, Good Tidings Christmas Anthology, Podcast, Writing, Writing Tips

Ginny Yttrup, an award-winning author, writing coach, and developmental editor, featured us on her Words for Writers podcast. Her podcast features words of inspiration and instruction for writers from authors, coaches, editors, and herself. So, we dive into helpful topics for fellow authors, yet it’s enlightening for readers as well. Here’s the link: Enjoy!